
HR Consulting

We are Total HR Solution Provider

Rules and customs differ greatly from Japan to America; please leave all of your consultations to us. Experienced Japanese and American HR consultants including Certified PHR (Professional in Human Resources) will consult with you confidentially. We will also give complete support for your company’s HR with our extensive network including Japanese and American specialized HR consulting and attorney firms. As a general rule, all of our services are provided in Japanese. Our high-quality services are flexible to your needs. All of the counseling is free.

HR consulting service is wide-ranging and diverse; we will fit each service to your request. We explain below about our most requested services and frequently asked questions.

For HR consulting or counseling related to HR and personnel, contact info@creo-usa.com.

Development Employee Handbook/Reviewing/Renewing

Employee Handbook is often used as a rule book to operate a company, which is the general reason why we recommend preparing it before hiring employees in US. However, in an existing company, there will already be an Employee Handbook. Is this handbook, updated to your company’s current needs? When was the last time that it was updated? Not updating the book after new legislation is enacted or an outdated book is not only insufficient to protect the company but could result in greater risk of being sued.

Our HR consultants listen to your company’s detailed situation and work closely with you to create a better Handbook for your workplace. We propose preparing a Handbook that can be used as a communication tool between the employer and employees. All the preparations of the Handbook are written in English, following the Code of Federal Regulation and each state’s laws. We will outline and explain in Japanese at the delivery of the Handbook. We are also available to explain and implement question and answer sessions for all employees at your request. Translation services are also available if your company needs them for documents to submit to company headquarters in Japan.

Renewal and development Performance Appraisal

Fair performance appraisal brings out employees’ motivation and their ability. Unlike Japan, lifetime employment does not exist in US. Therefore, the company’s fair evaluation of employees’ accomplishment and giving feedback is necessary for improvement of employees’ quality when operating a company in US. There is a higher risk of effective employees leaving without performance appraisals. Performance Appraisal is a measurement of fair evaluation of employees’ performance. We prepare Performance Appraisal based on your company’s situation based on type of industry, scale of the company, and occupation types.

Development Job Description

Job description is generally not highly emphasized in Japan. However, Job description is the foundation of the Performance Appraisal here in US. They are closely related to Compliance and HR strategy and also reduce the risk of being sued. It is one of the essential HR related documents that are effective to maintain employees’ motivation on the job and measure their rate of achievement. We recommend preparing Job descriptions regardless of the scale of the company, and even for positions with many concurrent jobs or training in multiple areas. From Japanese perspectives, you may be concerned about employees not doing jobs other than what are written on the Job description. However, communicating what you exactly want them to do is up to the management and description method. A disadvantage of not preparing the Job description is much greater than worrying about declining of employees’ rate of achievement. We inquire about not only the job duties, but also details in required skills and experience, company policies, and what the job really entails. It helps us to describe what appropriate major job duty and related duties are in the job description. This is one of the materials for business operations within US, therefore all preparation is in English. However, we are available to explain details in Japanese at your request, as well as translation service to Japanese language.


Laying off and dismissing employees involves various legal issues. Lack of appropriate process of this task can cause an adverse effect on the existing employees. In the US, employment is generally “At will.” However, you have to consider that there is a possibility of being sued for “employment discrimination.” We provide the best solution with you confidentially that matches your company’s situation in order to maximize avoiding the risk of the company being sued by employees.

Human Resources Audit

Since HR duties differ greatly between Japan and the US, it is difficult for Japanese headquarters and Japanese management to keep an eye on their performance. We have seen some companies operating without updating the processes of long term duties, not matching the current legislation, using HR manager’s preconceived idea or experience, and not knowing the company’s actual condition.

“Audit” may sound a little understating of what we do here. We check the existence of HR related documents, description/storage method, implementation of fair hiring, internal investigation, appropriate performance management operations, equity audits, and audit related compliance. We communicate with managers from each department and prepare an audit report that is similar to a “report card for the HR department” with neutral views from outside the workplace.

Meanwhile, we make sure that your HR duties process matches with your/headquarter company’s policies and give detailed, specific advice about how you want to operate HR department in the future.

Human Resources Outsourcing

We provide this service for small-scale companies (generally less than fifty employees) that are not in need of hiring full time HR managers. The characteristic of human resources is such that there is no clear division of roles in outsourcing as there would be in such fields as accounting or manufacturing. Based on our professionals with extensive knowledge and experiences, our goal is to deliver the most appropriate operations for HR/labor management, as well as providing the best solutions for both employer/employees and cost reduction and effective HR strategy in a workplace.

In general, business outline includes solutions for HR/labor conflicts that occur on daily basis, educating/ordering duties to HR assistant, frequent investigation/supervision in HR related documents and submitting reports to the management. We will offer a range of services depending on your company scale, business condition, and budget. We are able to make 1-3 visits in a month, and communications can be only through telephone or e-mail.

Employee Training

We send you the best lecturers from each field such as sexual harassment training, leadership in management, development of communication/sales skills, multiple training for expatriate employees, and offer many other employee training opportunities. In order to maximize the effect for employees, we will arrange the best training from each field at your request.

Salary/Benefit Investigation

Our experts investigate salaries on particular positions and benefits from many points of view including regions, industries, sales volume/scale. We provide you the best investigation results with well analyzed report. Salary determination for new position, examine the validity of the employee for a wage negotiation, and it can also be used as a material for an improving the standardization.

For HR consulting or counseling related to HR and personnel, contact info@creo-usa.com.